Pentagram's recent unveiling of the Natural History Museum's new ident raised a few eyebrows when it was revealed that they competed with over 270 agencies in a pitch process for the work. According to a recent study by the PM Society, the average cost to an agency of a pitch for a £200,000 project is around £40k - which estimates the Natural History Museum cost the design industry a staggering £10.8m in the pitch process alone.
"...the average cost to an agency of a pitch for a £200,000 project is around £40k - which estimates the Natural History Museum cost the design industry a staggering £10.8m in the pitch process alone..."
Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely piece of brand work, but was it worth the cost to our industry?
I understand that it's supposedly a part of the grind these days, but should it be? If you don't stand up for what's right, you become as bad as everyone else. I understand the idea that, if you don't do it, someone else will - but surely if you value your own work, your industry, your craft - you'd protect it, and ask for the respect it deserves.
Companies like Pentagram have an incredible portfolio, case studies and the prestige NOT to have to pitch for work - furthermore, when giants such as Pentagram bend to a client's will like this, they give clients all the power to continue to ask for this as a practice. If we don't respect our time, efforts and craft, how can we expect anyone else to?
Why is this acceptable in our industry? Would a plumber even bother turning up to your house if he knew 3 other plumbers were attending the same job and only one would get paid? Not a chance.
It's a matter of integrity for our industry. Every time we do this, we devalue our services. We devalue our craft.
Companies like Pentagram have an incredible portfolio, case studies and the prestige NOT to have to pitch for work - furthermore, when giants such as Pentagram bend to a client's will like this, they give clients all the power to continue to ask for this as a practice. If we don't respect our time, efforts and craft, how can we expect anyone else to?
Why is this acceptable in our industry? Would a plumber even bother turning up to your house if he knew 3 other plumbers were attending the same job and only one would get paid? Not a chance.
It's a matter of integrity for our industry. Every time we do this, we devalue our services. We devalue our craft.
I am curious about how people view free pitching. Is it a necessary part of the industry, or should we come together to protect our profession? Please share your thoughts over on my LinkedIn here.